Friday, August 12, 2011

Huffington Post Introduces LatinVoice

This is truly a Latino moment.

Latino Americans -- 50 million strong and counting -- are both the largest and the fastest-growing minority in the country. They played a decisive role in the 2008 election, making the difference for Obama in Florida, Colorado, and New Mexico. They represent around a trillion dollars of buying power (roughly 10 percent of U.S. consumer spending). And with 32 million Hispanics online, they are among the most wired and connected groups in the country.

So I'm delighted to announce the launch of HuffPost LatinoVoices. These are really challenging times for millions of Latinos. But as I said when I recently spoke at La Raza's conference in Washington, as an immigrant to this country I know that the immigrant spirit and resilience that are at the heart of the American experience can help us overcome whatever obstacles lie ahead and truly move mountains.

Last week, in introducing HuffPost BlackVoices, I talked about how we are living in a split-screen world -- and how, depending on where you look, you get a very different perspective on where things stand.

Check out the complete artice at  Huffington Post

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